When i used the option to cast properties in a Laravel model, i assumed it worked everywhere. This assumption was only right in the case of a serialized model (converted to array), so upon trying to do an implementation it did not work out of the box as i expected. I seem to remember it working (for...
[Ohmyzsh](https://ohmyz.sh/) is an addon for your zsh based terminal. It makes a lot of things a great deal easier such as command auto completion, being able to see which branch you are working, but there is a lot more where that came from. The full documentation is located here: [documentation](ht...
For a small hacking project i needed to connect to a device via it's serial interface. Not having a USB to serial interface i started looking around the internet to buy one. After some thought, i started looking through my electronics and realized that many devices already have serial interfaces tha...
In order to use [ohmyzsh](https://ohmyz.sh/) it is neccesary to switch to the zsh shell. On a Mac it is the default shell as far as i recollect, but switching is quite easy. Some advantages of using zsh with ohmyzsh are command autocompletion and better integration with git.
For some reason, a Samba file server and it's services are not always properly announced to the network neighborhood in Windows (I hate Windows, but sometimes you need it). Avahi should be enough in most cases, but a lot of times you need a extra daemon for that.